Tuesday became a journey for me in many ways, also a roller coaster of fun of sorts. The day started off bumpy and rough and turned into good times with quality people. The morning and early part of my day was the rough and hectic trainwreck of sorts, whilst the latter PM portion was quite a good time. First stop in the PM portion of my Tuesday entailed hitting up the Shake Shack in Madison Square Park for dinner and than heading to The Reed Space for the opening of “A Nice Set”. It’s amazing to see a retail space transform in an art gallery/space but the people who work there sure did a great job. The music and crowd were a great  mix and happy escape from my hellish morning. Afterwards Mando, Joci, and I hit up Epsteins for the end of their Tuesday happy hour and than trekked to Happy Ending for a little disco down. All in all a good night with great people until we casually walk past Milk & Honey and decide hey lets chill for a nightcap and discuss life over some quality drinks. Now anyone who knows M&H is a pretty annoying place to get into if you don’t have a number or email or are a member. This part turned the night from good to great and opened my eyes to saying yes to the unknown just a little bit more. Usually after a hellish morning I would be one to go home and relax and reflect where as Tuesday I decided against that, chilled and the night became a memory I won’t soon forget. Say yes more than you say no, you never know what can happen….